Authority for
regulating blasting operations at coal mines comes from the Surface Coal Mining
Land Conservation and
Reclamation Act (SCMLCRA), which became effective February 1, 1983. The SCMLCRA is closely patterned after the federal
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The SCMLCRA has established air blast, ground
vibration and fly rock standards, training, examination and certification requirements for persons
supervising blasting operations, requirements for pre-blast surveys and public blasting notices, requirements for
the maintenance of blasting records and enforcement provisions which give the Mine Safety and Training Division
the authority to suspend or revoke blasting certificates, issue notices of violation and/or cessation orders and
assess civil penalties in instances of non-compliance.
In addition to
blasting, the SCMLCRA contains comprehensive environmental protection requirements such as hydrologic balance protection, soil
replacement and disposal of toxic materials. All aspects of the SCMLCRA,other
than blasting, are administered by the Land Reclamation Division within the
Office of Mines and Minerals. So
why do companies employ blasting at their operations? Below you will find
answers to this and other questions
related to blasting at Illinois mines.
Blasting is the
most cost effective way to fracture rock. Therefore, blasting reduces the costs
of consumer goods such
as electricity, sand, gravel, concrete, aluminum, copper and many other
products manufactured from mined resources.
The old statement “If it can’t be grown, it has to be mined” is still true
Dynamite, a
nitroglycerin-based explosive, is rarely used today for blasting at surface
mines in Illinois. Blasting agents
account for almost 99% of the explosive materials used. ANFO, ammonium nitrate
and fuel oil, is the most
common explosive. ANFO, pound for pound is as powerful as dynamite and is less
expensive per pound and
less sensitive to initiation and therefore safer to use.
Holes are drilled
into the rock to be broken. A portion of each hole is filled with explosives.
The top portion of the
hole is filled with inert material called stemming. The explosive in each hole
is initiated with detonators or blasting
caps. The detonators are designed to create millisecond (thousandths of a
second) delay periods between individual
holes or charges. A blast with 25 individual holes will essentially consist of
smaller individual blasts, separated
by millisecond delays and the entire blast may only last ¼ - ½ of a second.
When an explosive is detonated,
it undergoes a very rapid decomposition which produces a large volume or
expansion of gases, instantly.
This expansion of gases is what causes the rock to fracture. The stemming
material keeps the gases in
the rock to maximize the amount of the energy utilized in the fragmentation
process. The delay periods between
charges ensures that each hole will only have to fragment the rock immediately
in front of it, which
Small blastholes
are usually drilled from 6 to 15 feet apart and large blastholes may range up
to 30 feet apart. The
fact that holes have to be drilled relatively close together is a good
indicator of how far the fragmentation occurs.
Even micro-fractures may only extend 40 blasthole diameters away from the
blasthole. There is even less fracturing
below the blasthole. This is demonstrated at surface coal mines, where only a
few feet of rock separates
the explosive (bottom of the blasthole) from the top of the coal seam, and
protects the coal, which is a
relatively weak or brittle rock, from fracturing.
When a blast is
detonated, some of the energy travels through the ground as vibration. The
ground vibration travels
mainly on the surface at varying speeds depending upon the density and
thickness of the geology. Although
perceptible, the energy level decreases rapidly with distance. To the blaster,
vibration represents wasted explosive
energy. Blasting accounts for a large percentage of production costs, therefore
it is to the operators advantage
to maximize fragmentation by minimizing vibrations. Blasting
seismographs measure ground vibrations in terms of particle velocity which is
the speed at which the ground
moves. Particle velocity is measured in inches per second. The peak particle velocity (PPV) which is not to be exceeded to prevent damage to
homes is 1.0 inch per second. Although
1.0 inch per second sounds like a
large movement of the ground, it is important to remember that this is velocity of movement and the actual displacement occurring with ground
vibrations from blasting is measured in thousandths (0.001) of an inch. Ground vibrations are mainly controlled by
limiting the pounds of explosives detonated per delay interval, as discussed above. For example, a 100-hole
blast can be designed to have the same vibration as a 10-hole blast with the same pounds of explosives per hole
and at the same distance.
Airblast is a
change in air pressure caused by blasting. When a blast is detonated, some of
the energy is vented into
the atmosphere through the fractures in the rock or through inadequate stemming
material. However, the upward
or outward movement of the rock from the blast is the main source of airblast.
Due to the frequency content,
airblast cannot be effectively heard by the human ear. Airblast travels at the
speed of sound and can be influenced
by wind and temperature inversions. Airblast
is also measured with a blasting seismograph equipped with a special
microphone. The most common units to measure
airblast is decibels (dB) which is a logarithmic sound-pressure scale related
to human hearing. A
difference of 6 dB represents a doubling or halving of the airblast energy. Airblast is controlled by properly
confining explosive charges in the borehole. This is accomplished by using adequate stemming material and by not
loading explosives into weak zones in the rock. Airblast also represents wasted explosive energy. If the explosive
gases escape from the blasthole, there will not be adequate energy to fragment the rock.
Many scientific
studies have investigated the potential of blast vibrations to damage
residential-type structures. The
conclusions from these studies have been incorporated into DNR’s regulations.
The blasting activities at all surface
mining operations are regulated to prevent threshold or cosmetic damage
(hairline cracks) to the weakest of
building material. This is best accomplished with performance standards which
limit peak particle velocities (ground
vibration) and decibels (airblast). This is not to say that blasting limits
which are designed to prevent damage
will not be annoying to neighbors. Blast vibrations are perceptible to humans
at much lower levels; as low
as 0.02 inch per second PPV. The level of annoyance resulting from ground
vibrations varies from person to
person, thus making annoyance limits a poor choice for regulatory programs. Blast vibrations can be perceptible in a
home at great distances from a blast. Structures respond to very low levels of ground vibration and/or airblast. It is
interesting to note that the everyday environmental influences on a home, such as doors slamming, kids running in the
house, running up and down stairs, pounding nails, outside temperature, wind, humidity and soil
moisture changes produce strains greater than legal blasting limits. These everyday activities often go unnoticed due
to the fact that they are expected whereas blast vibrations can be unexpected.
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